How to connect with people on LinkedIn.

I’m so glad you found us, this program is for people who want to master the use of LinkedIn as well as generate unlimited leads on the best social media interface for business-to-business.

1. The Connector
2. The Warm Introduction
3. The Name Drop – Part 1
4. The Name Drop – Part 2
5. Keep In Touch (New Job)
6. Who’s Viewed Your Profile
7. Endorsement Request
8. Recommendation Request
9. Join My Group
10. Connection Thank You
11. Follow My Company Page
12. Referral Swap Request
13. Media Reporter Outreach
14. Email List Builder
15. Reach out to your first level connections, to see who will network with you?


1. The Connector
How Can I Help You?
Hi [Insert Contact First Name],
I hope that work is going well and trust that you are taking some time to enjoy [Insert Event or Time Of Year]!
I just wanted to let you know that I have been actively using LinkedIn recently and have found it to be an incredibly powerful networking tool……especially when I use it to help people in my network connect with each other.
So, with that in mind, is there anyone in my network you’d like to meet?
If not now, feel free to reach out to me anytime in the future for an introduction. After all, if I can help you reach your professional goals, then I know I’ll get to mine faster as well!
[Insert Your First Name]
p.s – [Tell them what is going on in your world. Did you start a new business? Do you have a new product for sale? Are you looking for investors? Are you looking for a new job?]
p.p.s – [Offer something of value for FREE (PDF Report, Free Consultation, etc)]

Like to see the rest and Start receiving regular leads for yourself and your company on LinkedIn?
Click here to set up an appointment to talk, I want to book an appointment

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