Your LinkedIn action plan, make sure you have one for phenomenal success in 2022

Content marketing is going to be key on LinkedIn for the same results you only needed to send out messages before, in the past!

Gone are the days when you needed to only send out messages to first connections.

I call it the four pillars of success on LinkedIn for 2022.

#1 Making sure that your profile is 1000% rockstar.

#2 you’re building your list of first connections and followers on a regular basis.

#3 Having a Content Marketing and a Content Engagement strategy on LinkedIn. (Just posting content on LinkedIn and no one engaging on it within the first 60 minutes of posting, tells the LinkedIn gods, that your content is not valuable. Therefore they will show your content to no one)

#4 Using the LinkedIn event platform to promote your educational marketing events (Webinars) on a monthly basis.

If you don’t do this correctly, not much is going to happen for you as far as lead generation marketing on LinkedIn.

If you’re thinking right now while I have no idea how to do any of this?

I got you covered!

I have your back!

Get My LinkedIn Action Planner.

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